Connections To The Best Manufacturers In America!

Immerse yourself in pages of product photos from some of the best wholesale home furnishing manufacturers in the nation. This 120+ page magazine features fine furniture, home decor, outdoor furniture, and backyard structures. Educational articles about current trends and the latest industry news are scattered throughout.

Summer 2024

The Summer 2024 edition is here! One hundred pages stuffed with valuable information. Use it as directory to the best in American furniture and decor manufacturers or as a reference to the newest styles and trending designs.

Spring 2024

Winter 2024

Fall 2023

Place Your Product In Front Of Thousands of Wholesale Buyers!

Do you manufacture American furniture, decor, or outdoor products? If the answer is yes, you should be showing your products in The Connection. Every edition of our magazine goes to more than eight thousand wholesale buyers. Click the button below to download your media kit or call Steve at 717.535.2975.

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